Kutlukent 80. Yıl İlkokulu

12 Aralık 2012 Çarşamba

A Delicious Recipe

In Turkey recipes are given differently if we compare it with the other countries'.
Units of measurement are used  such as glass , spoon, or handful.
Here is a recipe like this. But this one is a special flavor. If you want to test delicious cake , you should try this one. By using our traditional measurement units.

"Alman Pastası”  Special Flavor For Special Day
For inner Cream: one packet dr oetker banana pudding
Is cooked by milk according to the recipe on the packet.
It  is waited for cooking the cake it  mixed  3or 4 tours every 5 minutes.
For Cake:
3 eggs
1 glass (250 ml volumetric) of sugar
are mixed (one way)
1 mini glass(125 ml volumetric) of sunflower oil
2 spoon (full) yogurt
Grated peel of 1 orange
1 +1/2 glass (250 ml volumetric) flour
1 packet baking powder
Are mixed and
Is discharged into oiled and floured cake mold
Is cooked  in 180 degree celcius oven  for 45-50 min. Checked it by using a knife when it is in the oven.
After cooling it is separated as two pieces.
Put into parts 1 or 2 banabas and
Cream is spread into the cake on the bananas.
Put the other part of cake.
Is sprinkled powdered sugar on it.
You can spice up with kiwi, banana and orange…
Enjoy your meal….

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